Beneficial for:

Getting some exercise done but also keeping your mind focused on the present.

How to do it:

  1. Go for a walk, preferably somewhere quiet in a large out-doors space like the country-side and maybe take a friend or bring your kids along.
  2. Now you can either take your shoes and socks off or pick a flower or leaf up (anything which is a piece of nature).
  3. If you have taken your shoes and socks off, start walking (being careful not to step on something which could hurt you) and take notice how the ground/grass feels under your feet while you walk. If you have picked something up, while you are walking, pay attention to the texture of what you’re holding when you are walking.

Adding more to your senses like feeling more texture and paying close attention to it while you walk reduces stress when also getting more exercise done and you will notice that the walk you did felt like it went a lot quicker than what you were expecting.